When we dreamed of a big celebration for the bridge connecting the iconic Wildwood Trail over West Burnside, we wondered if anyone would actually come—it would probably rain, planning it would be complicated, and we would need so many permits.
Well nearly 1,300 of us showed up to celebrate the opening of the Barbara Walker Crossing last Sunday. Under sunny skies, the Grand Ronde Color Guard and BrassRoots Movement led hundreds of us up West Burnside, a half-mile to the bridge; kids and adults tested their speed in a 100-meter dash organized by Foot Traffic; we witnessed the bridge’s blessing by leaders of the Siletz and Grand Ronde tribes; Bodyvox and Michael Curry Design performed an enchanting “ribbon tying”, symbolizing the joining of Washington and Forest parks; speakers from the City of Portland and the U.S. House of Representatives acknowledged our community for the groundswell of energy now memorialized in a new safe crossing for one of Portland’s crown jewel’s: the Wildwood Trail.
And best of all, we stepped onto the bridge we’ve all been dreaming about for more than 20 years!
The Barbara Walker Crossing has been a dream for decades.
It moved from dream to drawing board in 2012 when architect Andrew Wheeler and artist Ed Carpenter began lobbying.
In 2014, the Portland Parks Foundation adopted the project and partnered with Portland Parks & Recreation, the Portland Bureau of Transportation, Metro, and hundreds of Portlanders to bring the bridge to life.
Companies like KPFF, R&H Construction, Walker Macy, and Shiels Obletz Johnson all played important roles, donating hundreds of hours of work for the design, engineering, construction, and installation of this bridge.
Contributions from foundations, businesses, and hundreds of donors made all of this possible. If you were one of them: thank you!
Now get out there, get in touch with nature, and enjoy that bridge!
See photos from Sunday's event here.
See media coverage here:
Portland Tribune